Microsoft hat an seinem Februar-Patchday Fixes für 99 Sicherheitslücken in seinen Produkten veröffentlicht. Dazu gehört auch ein Update, das eine seit fast vier Wochen bekannte Schwachstelle in Internet Explorer beseitigt. Sie ist, wie elf weitere Anfälligkeiten, als kritisch eingestuft.
Weitere sicherheitsrelevante Fehler stecken in beiden Versionen von Edge (EdgeHTML und Chromium), Exchange Server, SQL Server, Office, Office Services mit Web Apps, Malicious Software Removal Tool und Surface Hub. Im Desktop-Betriebssystem Windows muss Microsoft insgesamt 70 Anfälligkeiten korrigieren.
Betroffen sind Komponenten wie Suche, Kernel, Key Isolation Service, Function Discovery Service, Fehlerberichterstattung, DirectX, Windows Media, Hyper-V, Windows Installer, Windows Update Stack, Windows Shell und Connected Devices Platform. Die Schwachstellen lassen sich für eine nicht autorisierte Ausweitung von Nutzerrechten, und den Diebstahl von vertraulichen Informationen nutzen. Ein Patch soll zudem verhindern, dass die Sicherheitsfunktion Secure Boot ausgehebelt wird.
Trend Micro weist zudem auf eine Schwachstelle in Microsoft Exchange hin, die Microsoft als wichtig, der Sicherheitsanbieter jedoch als kritisch bewertet. „Ein Angreifer könnte durch das Senden einer speziell gestalteten E-Mail die Ausführung von Code auf betroffenen Exchange-Servern erreichen. Es ist keine weitere Benutzerinteraktion erforderlich. Die Codeausführung erfolgt mit Berechtigungen auf Systemebene, so dass der Angreifer mit einer einzigen E-Mail die vollständige Kontrolle über einen Exchange-Server übernehmen könnte.“
Die Lücke in Secure Boot soll es wiederum erlauben, nicht vertrauenswürdige Software auf einem System auszuführen. Trend Micro zufolge muss diese Lücke in mehreren Schritten sowie geschlossen werden, wobei das System zweimal zusätzlich neu gestartet werden muss. Nur so sei es möglich, betroffene Bootloader von Dritten zu blockieren.
Tag | CVE ID | CVE Title |
Adobe Flash Player | ADV200003 | February 2020 Adobe Flash Security Update |
Internet Explorer | CVE-2020-0674 | Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability |
Internet Explorer | CVE-2020-0673 | Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability |
Microsoft Edge | CVE-2020-0663 | Microsoft Edge Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Edge | CVE-2020-0706 | Microsoft Browser Information Disclosure Vulnerability |
Microsoft Exchange Server | CVE-2020-0692 | Microsoft Exchange Server Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Exchange Server | CVE-2020-0688 | Microsoft Exchange Memory Corruption Vulnerability |
Microsoft Exchange Server | CVE-2020-0696 | Microsoft Outlook Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability |
Microsoft Graphics Component | CVE-2020-0744 | Windows GDI Information Disclosure Vulnerability |
Microsoft Graphics Component | CVE-2020-0745 | Windows Graphics Component Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Graphics Component | CVE-2020-0714 | DirectX Information Disclosure Vulnerability |
Microsoft Graphics Component | CVE-2020-0715 | Windows Graphics Component Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Graphics Component | CVE-2020-0746 | Microsoft Graphics Components Information Disclosure Vulnerability |
Microsoft Graphics Component | CVE-2020-0709 | DirectX Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Graphics Component | CVE-2020-0792 | Windows Graphics Component Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Malware Protection Engine | CVE-2020-0733 | Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Office | CVE-2020-0697 | Microsoft Office Tampering Vulnerability |
Microsoft Office | CVE-2020-0759 | Microsoft Excel Remote Code Execution Vulnerability |
Microsoft Office | CVE-2020-0695 | Microsoft Office Online Server Spoofing Vulnerability |
Microsoft Office SharePoint | CVE-2020-0694 | Microsoft Office SharePoint XSS Vulnerability |
Microsoft Office SharePoint | CVE-2020-0693 | Microsoft Office SharePoint XSS Vulnerability |
Microsoft Scripting Engine | CVE-2020-0713 | Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability |
Microsoft Scripting Engine | CVE-2020-0711 | Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability |
Microsoft Scripting Engine | CVE-2020-0710 | Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability |
Microsoft Scripting Engine | CVE-2020-0712 | Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability |
Microsoft Scripting Engine | CVE-2020-0767 | Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0741 | Connected Devices Platform Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0742 | Connected Devices Platform Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0740 | Connected Devices Platform Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0658 | Windows Common Log File System Driver Information Disclosure Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0737 | Windows Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0659 | Windows Data Sharing Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0739 | Windows Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0757 | Windows SSH Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0732 | DirectX Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0753 | Windows Error Reporting Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0755 | Windows Key Isolation Service Information Disclosure Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0754 | Windows Error Reporting Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0657 | Windows Common Log File System Driver Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0667 | Windows Search Indexer Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0743 | Connected Devices Platform Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0666 | Windows Search Indexer Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0748 | Windows Key Isolation Service Information Disclosure Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0747 | Windows Data Sharing Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0668 | Windows Kernel Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0704 | Windows Wireless Network Manager Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0685 | Windows COM Server Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0676 | Windows Key Isolation Service Information Disclosure Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0678 | Windows Error Reporting Manager Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0703 | Windows Backup Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0680 | Windows Function Discovery Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0679 | Windows Function Discovery Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0681 | Remote Desktop Client Remote Code Execution Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0677 | Windows Key Isolation Service Information Disclosure Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0682 | Windows Function Discovery Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0756 | Windows Key Isolation Service Information Disclosure Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0670 | Windows Kernel Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0675 | Windows Key Isolation Service Information Disclosure Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0669 | Windows Kernel Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0727 | Connected User Experiences and Telemetry Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0671 | Windows Kernel Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0672 | Windows Kernel Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0698 | Windows Information Disclosure Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows | CVE-2020-0701 | Windows Client License Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Microsoft Windows Search Component | CVE-2020-0735 | Windows Search Indexer Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Remote Desktop Client | CVE-2020-0734 | Remote Desktop Client Remote Code Execution Vulnerability |
Secure Boot | CVE-2020-0689 | Microsoft Secure Boot Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability |
SQL Server | CVE-2020-0618 | Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Remote Code Execution Vulnerability |
Windows Authentication Methods | CVE-2020-0665 | Active Directory Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Windows COM | CVE-2020-0752 | Windows Search Indexer Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Windows COM | CVE-2020-0749 | Connected Devices Platform Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Windows COM | CVE-2020-0750 | Connected Devices Platform Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Windows Hyper-V | CVE-2020-0751 | Windows Hyper-V Denial of Service Vulnerability |
Windows Hyper-V | CVE-2020-0662 | Windows Remote Code Execution Vulnerability |
Windows Hyper-V | CVE-2020-0661 | Windows Hyper-V Denial of Service Vulnerability |
Windows Installer | CVE-2020-0686 | Windows Installer Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Windows Installer | CVE-2020-0683 | Windows Installer Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Windows Installer | CVE-2020-0728 | Windows Modules Installer Service Information Disclosure Vulnerability |
Windows Kernel | CVE-2020-0722 | Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Windows Kernel | CVE-2020-0721 | Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Windows Kernel | CVE-2020-0719 | Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Windows Kernel | CVE-2020-0720 | Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Windows Kernel | CVE-2020-0723 | Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Windows Kernel | CVE-2020-0731 | Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Windows Kernel | CVE-2020-0726 | Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Windows Kernel | CVE-2020-0724 | Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Windows Kernel | CVE-2020-0725 | Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Windows Kernel | CVE-2020-0717 | Win32k Information Disclosure Vulnerability |
Windows Kernel | CVE-2020-0736 | Windows Kernel Information Disclosure Vulnerability |
Windows Kernel | CVE-2020-0716 | Win32k Information Disclosure Vulnerability |
Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers | CVE-2020-0691 | Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Windows Media | CVE-2020-0738 | Media Foundation Memory Corruption Vulnerability |
Windows NDIS | CVE-2020-0705 | Windows Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) Information Disclosure Vulnerability |
Windows RDP | CVE-2020-0660 | Windows Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Denial of Service Vulnerability |
Windows Shell | CVE-2020-0702 | Surface Hub Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability |
Windows Shell | CVE-2020-0655 | Remote Desktop Services Remote Code Execution Vulnerability |
Windows Shell | CVE-2020-0730 | Windows User Profile Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Windows Shell | CVE-2020-0729 | LNK Remote Code Execution Vulnerability |
Windows Shell | CVE-2020-0707 | Windows IME Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability |
Windows Update Stack | CVE-2020-0708 | Windows Imaging Library Remote Code Execution Vulnerability |
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