Listing A C:\>ldifde LDIF Directory Exchange General Parameters ================== -i Turn on Import Mode (The default is Export) -f filename Input or Output filename -s servername The server to bind to (Default to DC of logged in Domain) -c FromDN ToDN Replace occurences of FromDN to ToDN -v Turn on Verbose Mode -j Log File Location -t Port Number (default = 389) -u Use Unicode format -? Help Export Specific =============== -d RootDN The root of the LDAP search (Default to Naming Context) -r Filter LDAP search filter (Default to "(objectClass=*)") -p SearchScope Search Scope (Base/OneLevel/Subtree) -l list List of attributes (comma separated) to look for in an LDAP search -o list List of attributes (comma separated) to omit from input. -g Disable Paged Search. -m Enable the SAM logic on export. -n Do not export binary values Import ====== -k The import will go on ignoring 'Constraint Violation' and 'Object Already Exists' errors -y The import will use lazy commit for better performance Credentials Establishment ========================= Note that if no credentials is specified, LDIFDE will bind as the currently logged on user, using SSPI. -a UserDN [Password | *] Simple authentication -b UserName Domain [Password | *] SSPI bind method Example: Simple import of current domain ldifde -i -f INPUT.LDF Example: Simple export of current domain ldifde -f OUTPUT.LDF Example: Export of specific domain with credentials ldifde -m -f OUTPUT.LDF -b USERNAME DOMAINNAME * -s SERVERNAME -d "cn=users,DC=DOMAINNAME,DC=Microsoft,DC=Com" -r "(objectClass=user)"