Listing D
var theight=22; // height of the ticker
var transtime=2000;// delay between news items
borderw=1; // border width
var pad_top=4;       // padding between the layout div and the div containing the news item
var pad_top2=4;      // padding between the layout div and the div containing the news headline
var pad_left=8;      // padding between the layout div and the div containing the news item
var pad_left2=0; // padding between the layout div and the div containing the news headline     
borderd='border-style:solid; border-width:1px; border-color:#000000;';     // CSS border definition
var text_alignt='left';    // alignment of text in news item box
var text_alignh='center'; // alignment of text in news headline box 
var text_decort='none';    // CSS Style attribute of Text-Decoration for news item box
var text_decorh='none';    // CSS Style attribute of Text-Decoration for news headline box
var fstylet='normal'; // CSS Style attribute of Font Style for news item box
var fstyleh='normal'; // CSS Style attribute of Font Style for news item box
var fweightt='normal'; // CSS Style attribute of Font Weight for news item box
var fweighth='bold'; // CSS Style attribute of Font Weight for news item box
var fontn='Verdana'; // Font to use for the News Ticker - both news item and news headline boxes     
bgcol = '#EEEEEE'; // backgrounbd colour of box containing the news item box and the box itself
bgcolh = '#990000'; // background colour of box containing the news headline box and the box itself  
txtcol = '#060606'; // font colour for news item box  
txthicol = '#B40000'; // font colour for news item box when mouse is over a news item    
txtcolh = '#E9E9E9'; // font colour for news headline box
border_color_str='#000000'; // colour of the borders surrounding the ticker 
var text = new Array(); // Array to contain the news items
text[0] = "Dhtml News Ticker Wizard v1.0 released."; // news item 1
text[1] = "Flash News Scroller Wizard 1.0 released."; // news item 2
text[2] = "Flash Text Scroller Wizard updated. Click here to download."; // news item 3
var header = new Array(); // array containing the news headlines
header[0] = "What's New :"; // news headline 1
header[1] = "What's New :"; // news headline 2
header[2] = "Updated !"; // news headline 3
var linka = new Array(); // array containing the links to be used when a news item is clicked on
linka[0] = ""; // link for news item 1
linka[1] = ""; // link for news item 2
linka[2] = ""; // link for news item 3
var targa = new Array(); // target of the link when a news item is clicked on, identical to the TARGET attribute of a standard HTML link
targa[0] = "_self"; // target for news item 1
targa[1] = "_self"; // target for news item 2
targa[2] = "_self"; // target for news item 3
var nstheight=0,nst2width=0; // sizing parameters for Netscape browsers