Listing C
// properties_base.h
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
namespace Private
    // convert anything from string to a type.
    template< class type, class char_type>
        inline type from_string( const std::basic_string< char_type> & strVal)
        type t = type();
        std::basic_istringstream< char_type> in( strVal);
        in >> t;
        if ( !in)
            throw std::runtime_error( "invalid property conversion");
        return t;
    template<> inline std::string from_string< std::string, char>( const std::string & strVal)
    { return strVal; }
    template<> inline std::wstring from_string< std::wstring, wchar_t>( const std::wstring & strVal)
    { return strVal; }
    contains application properties:
    that are constant throughout the application
template< class char_type>
class basic_properties_base
    typedef std::basic_string< char_type> string_type;
    // note: might throw!
    virtual void internal_get( const string_type & strName, string_type & str) const = 0;
    // note: might throw, if this property does not exist.
    template< class type>
    void get( const string_type & strName, type & val) const
        string_type str;
        internal_get( strName, str);
        val = Private::from_string< type>( str);
typedef basic_properties_base< char> properties_base;
typedef basic_properties_base< wchar_t> wproperties_base;